What should I expect on my first visit?

Our practice is located in beautiful and historical downtown San Clemente located in south Orange County, California. Parking is available across the street along with street parking. As you enter our practice, you will quickly notice that there are no patient charts. This is because we are a 100% paperless office. Going paperless is not only better for the environment, but it's a more secure way of storing your private information. We store your information securely on remote, encrypted servers. Important documents are either entered directly into our paperless system or stashed in our remote servers.

Becoming a new patient

On your first visit, you will register as a new patient. We require some basic background information which includes your medical history and privacy consent forms. Once you’ve completed the necessary paperwork, one of our assistants will take you back. Our assistant takes the necessary X-rays. Be sure to let them know if you’re pregnant or if you’ve brought your own X-rays. Once you take your X-rays, you’re now ready to be seen by our dentist. Dr. Jazayeri will carefully review your medical health history, X-rays, and chief concerns. If you’re scheduled for a full exam, we perform your oral cancer screening, full periodontal evaluation, and bite assessment. We create a treatment plan to help you fix your smile. If you’re being treated for a limited problem, we focus on what’s causing you pain and discomfort. Feel free to ask the dentist any and all of your questions as we are always ready and willing to provide an answer. Once you understand your treatment plan, our office manager will review costs and financing options. You are now on your way to a healthier, happier, and more beautiful smile!

Medical history

Take some time to fill out our medical history questionnaire. Reviewing your medical background is an integral part of providing proper dental care. Here are the most medical issues that we watch out for:

Joint Replacement Surgery

Let us know if you’ve had a recent hip or knee replacement surgery. The rule is that for two years following joint replacement surgery, you must take antibiotic pre-medication prior to invasive dental work. Occasionally, your physician might request that we extend the pre-medication period beyond the two year period. Either way, it's important for you to let us know about this information beforehand.

Blood Thinners

We need to know if you're taking blood thinners such as Plavix, Coumadin, or the new generation ones like Eliquis or Pradaxa. We might want to avoid certain surgical procedures or proceed with extra caution. Occasionally, we may contact your physician to obtain permission prior to performing surgeries. We might even request an INR or blood clot test. Note that baby Aspirin is typically not a major factor and the dosage does not need to be adjusted prior to most surgical procedures. Still, you must let us know if you are taking Aspirin so we can take that into consideration.

Blood Pressure Medications

Let us know if you have a history of high blood pressure or are taking medications for hypertension. We may want to limit the amount of epinephrine to prevent a sudden spike in blood pressure. We do offer local anesthetics without epinephrine which are safe for hypertensive patients. We may also choose to monitor your blood pressure during treatment. There are other techniques that we may use if your blood pressure is abnormally high. For instance, we may administer your anesthesia gradually over the course of a 30-minute period. Be sure to let us know if you feel weak or dizzy as this may be a sign of elevated blood pressure. Luckily, this sensation usually goes away within minutes as your blood pressure levels out. Also, be sure to take your blood pressure medication on time, especially if you're scheduled to have surgery or other extensive treatment.

Cancer Drugs/Bone Inhibitors

If you’re taking bisphosphonate drugs such as Fosomax, Actonel, or bone inhibitors like Prolia or Zometa, then there's a chance that certain surgical procedures must be delayed. Teeth extraction and implant surgeries typically require special care. We will likely consult with your physician before rendering these treatments. Sometimes we request medical clearance from your physician. Other times we have to postpone treatment or even avoid certain dental procedures altogether.


Let us know if you're pregnant or think that you might be so. We will avoid unnecessary radiation for all expecting moms. This means that you won't be taking routine X-rays. We also avoid radiographs that use high radiation doses, like CT scans. For emergency X-rays, we minimize radiation by double-shielding your belly. We also avoid laying you flat and sit you at an angle that's more comfortable for you and your fetus. Please note that the best time to see the dentist during pregnancy is during the 2nd trimester when the fetus is not going through as much growth. If your physician recommends a dental cleaning during pregnancy, try to schedule it during this time.

Drug Allergies

Inform us if you have any drug allergies. We especially look for allergies to Penicillin and sulfa drugs. Let us know if you're unable to take NSAIDs, Codeine, or other common medications for whatever reason. If you're allergic to latex we will avoid using latex gloves throughout your appointment.

As you can see, there's quite a bit to pay attention to! Be sure to take your time and properly fill out your medical history questionnaire so that we can take all necessary precautions. If you have any questions about your first visit, please call us at (949) 481-2540. Call us today, and see how achieving the smile of your dreams is easier than you'd imagine!